Social media is a fast, cost-effective tool for raising awareness of your business. But if you find that updating all of your social media accounts is time-consuming, confusing (and possibly boring), help is available..

Our friendly, efficient and flexible service includes social media account creation, regular social media posting and management (including customer service support) as well as blog writing, online marketing, copy editing, proof reading and other admin & support services to suit you.

Launched in 2012 and based in Norwich, Norfolk, Enigmedia Marketing is designed to support any type of business or organisation with their online presence. Drawing on our advertising and marketing expertise, we effectively utilise social media to promote your products and services. Whether you’re a small business, not-for-profit or large organisation, Enigmedia Marketing can help you find the best way to approach online marketing, whatever your budget.

Social Media Marketing is a proven method for driving more traffic to your website, enhancing your brand visibility and communicating directly with your customers. While most organisations now have a social media presence, they don’t have the time to maintain it on a regular basis. That’s where we come in!

Need help? Just ask! Call 01603 552145 or email